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Misteri quotidiani che la scienza non spiega [EN]

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A cura di @Uqbal.

Per quanto la scienza abbia fatto enormi progressi nell’esplorare i più nascosti recessi dell’universo, alcuni banali fenomeni quotidiani ancora resistono ad ogni spiegazione, con grande imbarazzo degli scienziati. Ne fa un elenco IFLScience:

Did you ever wonder why your bike stays upright? Why anesthesia knocks you out? Or how cats purr? So have plenty of other people, and no one has an answer. Yes, it turns out that when it comes to some basic everyday things, we’re about as knowledgeable as the current US president.So let’s take a look at some of the weird stuff science just can’t explain. Some of it might surprise you.

Imagine da Free Great Pictures.

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