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We’ll never stop Brexit or Trump until we address the anger fuelling both [EN]

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A cura di @perodatrent.

Sul Guardian un commento sul perché britannici e americani hanno votato Trump e Brexit. Dopo un anno nel quale le promesse non si sono materializzate, gli elettori sostengono ancora le posizioni iniziali.

Hint: “it isn’t economy, stupid!”
… As Politico reported: “His supporters here, it turns out, are energised by his bombast and his animus more than any actual accomplishments.
They like the fact that he is constantly lashing out at the people they hate: the elites, the liberal media and, above all, people of colour. They understand what Trump was getting at when he went after those black players in the NFL who refused to stand for the national anthem. One Trump-loving couple said they had always believed NFL stood for “Niggers for Life”.

In other words, the blue-collar Trump vote, so often regarded as a simple if visceral reaction to economic anxiety, was partly, and maybe predominantly, about race and identity – specifically the beleaguered sense of white identity”.

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