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La scrittura dei Naxi, la loro cultura e i primi tentativi di traduzione [EN]

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A cura di @pigtr.

Un articolo sul blog della British Library parla della scrittura Naxi, una delle popolazioni dell’altopiamo tibetano:

This script can probably be dated to at least as early as the Mongol period (1253 -1382). The Naxi ritual texts, hand-written in books and read from left to right, form the basis for what we know about the culture and beliefs of the Naxi people. The dongba script is often touted as the world’s last living pictographic script, although this classification is problematic as they are not really in active use, and are not strictly pictographic either.

The graphs can be seen in and around the city of Lijiang (centre of the Naxi population in Yunnan province), on shop fronts and road signs, but as the general populace cannot read or write the script, these signs are mostly for show.

Immagine da British Library.

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