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Come ci ricorderemo di Bruce Willis? [EN]

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In un lungo articolo su Slate viene ripercorsa la carriera di Bruce Willis, uno degli attori più iconici degli anni Ottanta:

Early in Wire Room, a low-budget thriller released straight to on-demand services for Labor Day weekend, two police officers discuss their surly boss, Shane Mueller, who’s just stalked out of the office. “He used to be one of the coolest agents around,” one says glumly. “Fun loving, charming, one of the best. Now he’s just making his last few months so he can collect his pension and move on.”

I felt a sad shiver when I heard these words, because Shane Mueller is played by Bruce Willis. Willis has become infamous in the past few years for the dozens of paycheck roles, glorified cameos really, he’s taken in straight-to-video action dreck like, well, Wire Room. An article in the Los Angeles Times this spring made clear that Willis was suffering from serious cognitive decline: Directors and crew told stories of a confused Willis being fed his lines through an earpiece, shooting for the minimum possible number of days so that his name above the title might attract investors. As that story was being reported, Willis’ family revealed that his acting career was over. He was suffering from aphasia, they said, a condition that affects speech and language cognition.


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