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Il Sudafrica vuole ritirarsi dalla Convenzione sui rifugiati

Il Sudafrica vuole ritirarsi dalla Convenzione sui rifugiati

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Telegraph e BBC parlano del cambio di rotta del sudafrica nella gestione dei flussi migratori: il governo guidato dall’ANC avrebbe infatti intenzione di ritirarsi temporaneamente dalla convenzioni delle Nazioni Unite sui rifugiati, così da poter operare i respingimenti dei richiedenti asilo provenienti da paesi considerati sicuri, secondo quanto dichiarato dal ministero degli Interni Aaron Motsoaledi.

His proposals are contained in a document, known as a White Paper, which has been released for public discussion as the first step towards adopting legislation that will mark a decisive break with the more embracing policy that the government championed after it took power at the end of the racist system of apartheid in 1994.

In a sign of the extent to which he envisages changes, Dr Motsoaledi said the government had made a “serious mistake” about two years later when it signed up to international agreements – such as the UN’s refugee convention – without seeking exemptions from certain clauses.

Secondo le riforme proposte, il Sudafrica rientrerebbe nelle convenzioni dopo aver limitato il diritto dei rifugiati al lavoro, così come il diritto all’istruzione e il diritto di rivendicare la cittadinanza.
I critici del governo affermano che il governo starebbe utilizzando l’immigrazione per distrarre l’opinione pubblica dalla propria cattiva gestione e aumentare ulteriormente il sentimento anti-stranieri.

Paddy Harper, a journalist with South Africa’s Mail & Guardian newspaper says the number of refugees and asylum-seekers may be small but it feeds into deeper hostility towards foreigners whose population has increased over the last three decades, while South Africa’s unemployment rate has soared to around 32%.

“Immigrants – especially Somalis and Bangladeshis – are seen to be controlling the economy of townships, and are accused of taking the jobs of locals. It has led to attacks on migrants, and the emergence of anti-migrant groups, like Operation Dudula,” he said.

With this in mind, Harper says that Dr Motsoaledi was looking to next year’s elections when he unveiled his proposals.

“Some of the opposition parties are likely to make migration a major campaign issue. The ANC fears losing support, and wants to be seen to be doing something about it, ” he said, adding that the governing party’s focus on migration also helps deflect attention from its own failures in improving the economy and public services.

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