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L’algoritmo che può rovinarti la vita [EN]

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Dal 2017 al 2021 a città di Rotterdam ha utilizzato un sistema basato sull’intelligenza artificiale e 315 criteri per selezionare i profili suscettibili di abusare delle prestazioni sociali.
Lighthouse Reports e Wired (alt su archive.is)hanno fatto luce su un algoritmo che permette di discriminare in particolare le madri in situazione di precarietà.

Sitting in her blocky, 1950s house, which is decorated with photographs of her garden, Ceelie taps away at a laptop. She’s entering her details into a reconstruction of Rotterdam’s welfare risk-scoring system created as part of this investigation. The user interface, built on top of the city’s algorithm and data, demonstrates how Ceelie’s risk score was calculated—and suggests which factors could have led to her being investigated for fraud.

All 315 factors of the risk-scoring system are initially set to describe an imaginary person with “average” values in the data set. When Ceelie personalizes the system with her own details, her score begins to change. She starts at a default score of 0.3483—the closer to 1 a person’s score is, the more they are considered a high fraud risk. When she tells the system that she doesn’t have a plan in place to find work, the score rises (0.4174). It drops when she enters that she has lived in her home for 20 years (0.3891). Living outside of central Rotterdam pushes it back above 0.4.

Rotterdam è salita in cima al podio delle città olandesi per indagini contro le frodi al welfare. Su 30000 beneficiari, ogni anno vengono controllate le transazioni di un gruppo che può arrivare a 6000 individui.

The Netherlands takes a tough stance on welfare fraud, encouraged by populist right-wing politicians. And of all the country’s regions, Rotterdam cracks down on welfare fraud the hardest. Of the approximately 30,000 people who receive benefits from the city each year, around a thousand are investigated after being flagged by the city’s algorithm. In total, Rotterdam investigates up to 6,000 people annually to check if their payments are correct. In 2019, Rotterdam issued 2,400 benefits penalties, which can include fines and cutting people’s benefits completely. In 2022 almost a quarter of the appeals that reached the country’s highest court came from Rotterdam.

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