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Chattare con un amico morto

Chattare con un amico morto

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Su suggerimento di @MostroDeiBiscotti.

Eugenia Kuyda e Roman Mazurenko erano amici. Quando Roman è morto investito da un’auto, lei ha raccolto tutto il materiale che il suo amico aveva inviato su social network e app di messaggistica e, ispirata da un bellissimo episodio di Black Mirror – Be Right Back – ne ha ricavato un chatbot. The Verge ne racconta la storia in un lungo articolo.

For many users, interacting with the bot had a therapeutic effect. The tone of their chats is often confessional; one user messaged the bot repeatedly about a difficult time he was having at work. He sent it lengthy messages describing his problems and how they had affected him emotionally. “I wish you were here,” he said. It seemed to Kuyda that people were more honest when conversing with the dead. She had been shaken by some of the criticism that the Roman bot had received. But hundreds of people tried it at least once, and reading the logs made her feel better.

It turned out that the primary purpose of the bot had not been to talk but to listen. “All those messages were about love, or telling him something they never had time to tell him,” Kuyda said. “Even if it’s not a real person, there was a place where they could say it. They can say it when they feel lonely. And they come back still.”

Secondo Wired, il chatbot sviluppato da Eugenia “è di una noia mortale“.

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