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Ebola, immigrazione e confini: una storia dagli USA

Ebola, immigrazione e confini: una storia dagli USA

3 commenti

Il New Yorker descrive una storia che conosciamo bene. In occasione delle elezioni di medio termine sono molti i politici americani che hanno fatto leva sulla paura del virus ebola per racimolare qualche voto, ma le conclusioni a cui giungono nei loro discorsi sono per la gran parte prive di fondamento.

When does Ebola look like a gift? Apparently, when you are a Republican candidate for the Senate who sees it as a handy pretext for bringing up immigration politics while scaring people into voting for you. Thom Tillis, in a campaign debate in North Carolina with Senator Kay Hagan, put it this way: “Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got an Ebola outbreak. We have bad actors that can come across the border. We need to seal the border.”
In New Hampshire, Scott Brown started off by conjuring up ISIS fighters slipping through spongy borders, then casually switched to Ebola-sickened hordes. “One of the reasons why I have been so adamant about closing our border,” he said, “is because if people are coming through normal channels—can you imagine what they can do through a porous border?” Both ISIS and Ebola provoke enough anxiety for most people to contemplate them without being goaded.


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