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Il progresso medico è per tutti e diffidate di chi lo nega [EN]

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su suggerimento di @Salsaomerengue.

C’è chi sostiene che un sistema sanitario capace di offrire a tutti i progressi della medicina, e non solo ai ricchi, sia impossible. Chi la pensa così, però, in genere si guarda bene dal dimostrarlo, afferma Nathan J. Robinson per Current Affairs.

Designing a health care system that is both fair and innovative is a difficult task that will require careful thought. But we should make sure to ignore the arguments of those who tell us it’s impossible without actually offering persuasive reasons. Conservative arguments against moral progress frequently depend on appeals to intuition rather than fact; X program seems like a political non-starter, therefore it is and should be abandoned. But the truth is that for many things, we don’t know until we’ve tried, and the only way to ensure that we will fail is to give in to the attempt to convince us that resistance is futile.

Immagine: Hidayat Ismail

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