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La superbomba

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Alex Wellerstein, storico contemporaneo americano esperto in armi nucleari, rievoca per il Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists la più grande esplosione nucleare della storia, il test condotto dall’Unione Sovietica sessant’anni fa dell’arma nota ai suoi costruttori come AN602, al resto del mondo come la Bomba Zar. Solo sedici anni dopo Trinity, gli ingegneri di Arzamas-16 raggiunsero un picco mai più nemmeno avvicinato, un ordigno tanto mostruosamente grande da essere anche perfettamente inutile. Ma ci volle del tempo per rendersene conto.

The Tsar Bomba is not just a subject for history; some of the same dynamics exist today. It is not just the story of a single weapon that was detonated six decades ago, but a parable about political posturing and technical enablement that applies just as acutely today. In a new era of nuclear weapons and delivery competition, the Tsar Bomba is a potent example of how nationalism, fear, and high-technology can combine in a fashion that is ultimately dangerous, wasteful, and pointless.

— Immagine da Wikimedia Commons

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