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L’economia ai tempi della guerra russo-ucraina / 11 luglio – 24 luglio

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Il podcast di NPR The Indicator from Planet Money parla del rublo e del perchè la valuta russa non abbia perso valore, ed anzi sia ai valori più alti dal 2015.

And while that strong ruble is shrinking Russia’s budget at home, it’s simultaneously damaging its efforts to sell its goods overseas. I mean, even if Russia can find people willing to buy its stuff, when the ruble is strong, those goods become more expensive. And that makes it a lot harder for it to build new markets.

Anche CNBC parla della forza del rublo:

The ruble has actually gotten so strong that Russia’s central bank is actively taking measures to try to weaken it, fearing that this will make the country’s exports less competitive.

But what’s really behind the currency’s rise, and can it be sustained?

Il rublo è inaspettatamente la valuta più forte dell’anno, come riporta CBS News:

Even as Russia marks a historic default on its debt, the nation’s currency is gaining strength. The ruble hit a new high against the dollar this week, continuing its streak as the best-performing currency in the world this year.

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