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133 commenti

Su suggerimento di @AlanCowan

I francesi, forse con un senso del “filologicamente corretto” un po’ eccessivo, stanno “imbiancando” l’interno della cattedrale di Chartres nel tentativo di restituirle l’aspetto che doveva avere appena inaugurata (e che, con ogni probabilità, mantenne assai brevemente).

The belief that a heavy-duty reworking can allow us see the cathedral as its makers did is not only magical thinking but also a foolhardy concept that makes authentic artifacts look fake. To cite only one obvious solecism, the artificial lighting inside the present-day cathedral—which no one has suggested removing—already makes the interiors far brighter than they were during the Middle Ages, and thus we can be sure that the painted walls look nothing like they would have before the advent of electricity.

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