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Il film di Hitchcok sui campi di concentramento [EN]

3 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @alessandromeis.

Sempre in occasione del giorno della memoria, pubblichiamo la segnalazione di un articolo di Newsweek, sul perché i film di Hitchcock sui campi di concentramento fu censurato.

The scene, shot at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp at the end of World War II, might never have been seen by the public had a decommissioned film, boasting Alfred Hitchcock as a supervising director and British film pioneer Sidney Bernstein as producer, not been resurrected. Authorized in the spring of 1945 by the Allied forces, German Concentration Camps Factual Survey captured the monstrous realities found during the liberation of Nazi death camps, including Bergen-Belsen, Dachau and Auschwitz.


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