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Un presidente che insegna ma non impara

35 commenti

Su suggerimento di @snaporaz.

Secondo questo articolo comparso solo alcuni giorni fa sul Wall Street Journal, la politica estera di Barack Obama è fallimentare: per l’autore Bret Stephens il presidente americano,  preferendo insegnare buoni principi invece di usare la supremazia americana per sistemare le cose in giro per il mondo, ha sbagliato tutto.

But there’s a deeper logic to the president’s thinking, starting with ideological necessity. The president had to declare our foreign policy dilemmas solved so he could focus on his favorite task of “nation-building at home.” A strategy of retreat and accommodation, a bias against intervention, a preference for minimal responses—all this was about getting America off the hook, doing away with the distraction of other people’s tragedies.
When you’ve defined your political task as “fundamentally transforming the United States of America”—as Mr. Obama did on the eve of his election in 2008—then your hands are full. Let other people sort out their own problems.

But that isn’t all. The president also has an overarching moral theory about American power, expressed in his 2009 contention in Prague that “moral leadership is more powerful than any weapon.”

Immagine da Wikimedia Commons.


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