La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

110 giorni di inseguimento

6 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @oliodnb.


Il New York Times racconta l’appassionante storia della caccia di una famosa nave pirata, Thunder, da parte della Sea Shepherd. Una struttura nata proprio per cacciare navi pirate.

Illegal fishing is a global business estimated at $10 billion in annual sales, and one that is thriving as improved technology has enabled fishing vessels to plunder the oceans with greater efficiency. While countries, with varying degrees of diligence, typically patrol their own coastlines, few ever do so in international waters, even though United Nations maritime regulations require them to hold vessels flying their flags accountable for illicit fishing.

That leaves room for organizations like Sea Shepherd, which describes itself as an eco-vigilante group, flies a variation of the Jolly Roger on its ships and often cites the motto, “It takes a pirate to catch a pirate.”


Immagine CC BY-SA 2.0 di Konrad Summers da flickr

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