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Climate models are accurately predicting ocean and global warming [EN]

16 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @Ospizio

In questo articolo viene commentato un nuovo studio scientifico che stima l’andamento del riscaldamento globale, includendo nuove tecniche per valutarne il calore accumulato negli oceani. Grazie a queste nuove tecniche si ha una stima quantitativa più accurata e si può valutare quanto siano state accurate le previsioni dei modelli climatici:

What about the next question – how did the models do? Amazingly well. From 1970 through 2005, the models on average showed a warming of 0.41 Watts per square meter and from 1992-2005 the models gave 0.77 Watts per meter squared. This means that since 1992, the models have been within 3 % of the measurements. In my mind, this agreement is the strongest vindication of the models ever found, and in fact, in our study we suggest that matches between climate models and ocean warming should be a major test of the models.

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