La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

I computer quantistici hanno fallito [EN]

33 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @ergosfera.


C’è bisogno di un multiverso per spiegare i fenomeni quantistici? La maggior parte dei fisici è scettica sul fatto che la meccanica quantistica possa derivare da un sistema classico di fondo.

I’ve been a cryptographer for over 20 years and for all that time we’ve been told that sooner or later someone would build a quantum computer that would factor large numbers easily, making our current systems useless.

However, despite enormous amounts of money spent by research councils and government agencies, the things are stuck at three qubits. Factoring 15 is easy; 35 seems too hard. A Canadian company has started selling computers they claim are quantum; scientists from Google and NASA said they couldn’t observe any quantum speed-up.


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