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‘Dancing Plague’ of 1518, the bizarre dance that killed dozens [EN]

22 Commenti

A cura di @Criceta.

Nel 1518 a Strasburgo accadde che una donna, Frau Troffea, cominciasse a danzare. In un mese la seguirono in 400 persone, alcune delle quali morirono di stenti.

Questo articolo di Digital Journal si propone di svelare il mistero che sta dietro questo singolare avvenimento.

In July of 1518, a woman referred to as Frau Troffea stepped into a narrow street in Strasbourg, France and began a fervent dancing vigil that lasted between four and six days. By the end of the week, 34 others had joined her and, within a month, the crowd of dancing, hopping and leaping individuals had swelled to 400.

Authorities prescribed “more dancing” to cure the tormented movers but, by summer’s end, dozens in the Alsatian city had died of heart attacks, strokes and sheer exhaustion due to nonstop dancing.

Immagine da Wikimedia Commons.

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