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Deutsche Bank si espone a favore dell’helicopter money

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Su suggerimento di @onanista.

Helicopter money è un termine coniato negli anni ’60 da Milton Friedman per indicare l’immissione diretta di denaro da parte delle banche centrali. Le ultime ricerche degli analisti della Deutsche Bank hanno preso in considerazione gli effetti di un simile strumento.

“After years of tight fiscal / easy monetary policy in the developed world, there is hope among investors that both Japan and the UK might be close to embarking on central bank-financed fiscal easing. We believe that such monetary financing (or helicopter money) could be a significant positive for equity markets, as it has the potential to support growth, helps to close the global output gap (which has effectively been stagnant at around 2% of global GDP for the past five years) and push up inflation expectations, a key driver of the equity market.”


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