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I fallimenti della guerra contro l’ISIS [EN]

1 commento

Su suggerimento di @Maxxis.

Il Jerusalem Post ritorna sulla questione dei combattenti dell’ISIS e delle loro famiglie catturati in Siria a seguito della loro sconfitta.

What has gone right? ISIS has been defeated. But everything else leaves more questions than answers. Let’s start with the huge number of ISIS supporters in Baghuz. How did all these people get there? Who are they? They have included thousands of Iraqis. These are mostly Iraqis from Anbar Province who supported ISIS and fled over the border in 2017 when the Iraqi army pushed ISIS out of Iraq. The Euphrates valley crosses the border a few kilometers away and for the tribes of the area there is no real difference between Iraq and Syria. During the years after the US toppled Saddam Hussein in 2003 this was conduit for extremists, insurgents, militants, jihadist, gun smugglers and everything else. Iraq complained for years to Syria that Damascus was funneling extremists down the river’s valley, called the MERV or Middle Euphrates River valley, into Iraq. The seeds of ISIS – the networks – began back then. It wasn’t a surprise that ISIS was able to take this area in 2013-2014. It isn’t a surprise that the last stand is happening here.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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