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I primi uomini in America [EN]

4 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @alesstanco

Un articolo di George Dvorsky su Gizmodo riassume uno studio pubblicato su Nature, secondo cui la colonizzazione del continente americano sarebbe avvenuta due millenni prima dopo di quanto finora creduto.

It’s a veritable certainty that North America’s first people arrived via the Bering Land Bridge, but less certainty exists about how and where they migrated from there. For years, scientists thought they had travelled along an ice-free corridor in western Canada, but new research suggests this was impossible. At the end of the most recent ice age, when the first North Americans arrived, the northwestern section of the continent was still covered in two immense ice sheets. As these sheets melted, a 930 mile-long (1,500 kilometer-long) ice-free corridor appeared, opening up a potential migration route from Siberia through to Alaska and into the continental interior.

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