La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

Il declino dell’arabo classico [EN]

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A cura di @uqbal

L’arabo classico, o formale, cioé quello del Corano e della letteratura, delle classi colte e del panarabismo, è in crisi, secondo un’analisi dell’Atlantic Council. Sebbene la scolarizzazione di base nei Paesi arabi stia crescendo, i prodotti di alto livello culturale, come la letteratura, languono, per ragioni legate alle tormentate vicende politiche dell’area.

The Arab world is now publishing only between 15,000 and 18,000 books annually, as many as Penguin Random House produces on its own. Egypt was once the largest producer of books with an output between 7,000 and 9,000 per year. Although its output was previously on the rise, it dropped by a whopping 70 percent after the 2011 revolution, and as of 2016 was only “showing signs of recovery.” Greece translates five times as many books into Greek as all 22 Arab nations combined. Abdelfattah Kilito, a Moroccan writer and literary critic, stated that his Master’s students “don’t read anything at all.”

Immagine: Islam90

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