La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

Il Pikettismo e la rivolta dei mandarini [EN]

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Nicholas Nassima Taleb in un articolo su Medium critica il concetto di disuguaglianza nell’accezione corrente in relazione alle teorie di Piketty e fa alcune considerazioni generali al riguardo.

The problem is never the problem; it is how people handle it. What was worse than the Piketty flaws was the discovery of how that Mandarin class operates. They got so excited by the rise of inequality that their actions were like fake news. Economists got so excited they praised Piketty for his “erudition” from his discussing Balzac and Jane Austen, the equivalent to hailing as a weightlifter someone seen carrying a briefcase. And they completely ignored my results –and when they didn’t, it was to declare that I was “arrogant” (recall that the strategy of using theorems is that they can’t say I was wrong, so they resorted to “arrogant” which is a form of scientific compliment).

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