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Il profilo twitter dell’US Central Command sarebbe stato hackerato da ISIS

72 commenti

Lo riferisce @sfrj al bar, e pure la CNBC.
Nel frattempo l’account è stato sospeso, probabilmente da Twitter.

Dai commenti:

@Beverly Tozier: nel frattempo fonti del Governo hanno spiegato a NBC che i dati diffusi non erano classificati:

Government officials told NBC News that the Twitter and YouTube accounts are not classified, and that none of the information posted by the hackers was actually classified—the names and contact information are “official use only,” they said.
The slides containing information on China and North Korea were not military, the officials told NBC, with some of them coming from MIT.
A U.S. Department of Defense official told NBC News “this is clearly embarrassing, but not a security threat.”

E come dice @paolo_paolo_ppa “Pare che alcune di queste “informazioni riservate” fossero disponibili in rete”.

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