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La filosofia degli uomini bianchi

519 commenti

Su suggerimento di @Clunk.


Le scienze umane e sociali, nell’accademia, hanno sempre dovuto fare i conti (da qualche decennio) con l’essere fatta prevalentemente da maschi bianchi, o almeno, da avere solo maschi bianchi tra le fila dei pensatori più importanti. La campagna “Why My Curriculum is White?” ha come scopo proprio quello di sensibilizzare gli studenti su questa tematica. Sul Guardian si trova una difesa della campagna sostegno dell’inserimento nei programmi accademici di pensatori di culture non europee.

When it comes to philosophy, for instance – a particularly important discipline as our world is built on ideas – the work of white males, dead or alive, dominates the field. This is not simply because white males have contributed profound work, but also due to the glaring yet tacitly silenced relationship between power structures and knowledge. This is why philosophy professor Angela Davis’s complex body of work on the social justice system has not influenced contemporary philosophical studies on prisons in the way Michel Foucault’s work on the same topic has. Or why the Ethiopian philosopher Zera Yaekob, who long before Nietzsche declared that “God is dead”, daringly criticised organised religion in his 1667 treatise, Hatata, where he also said: “He who investigates with pure intelligence … will discover the truth.” But despite promoting reason in this way, he is not dubbed the father of modern philosophy, Descartes is.


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