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La popolarità di Pokemon Go fra i militari indonesiani mette a rischio la sicurezza del paese [EN]

La popolarità di Pokemon Go fra i militari indonesiani mette a rischio la sicurezza del paese [EN]

1 Commento

Su suggerimento di @S1m0n4.

Ai militari indonesiani é stato espressamente vietato di giocare a Pokèmon Go mentre sono in servizio. L’app potrebbe infatti piazzare pokemon nelle zone ad accesso vietato, incitando così i civili ad intrufolarvisi.

Da un articolo del Jakarta Post

The Indonesian Military (TNI) headquarters in Jakarta has banned its members from playing the wildly popular augmented-reality game while on duty, arguing that the use of GPS on smartphones enables the viewing of restricted military facilities.

The TNI became cautious after it found out that the app provider could intentionally spread Pokémon monsters around restricted areas to encourage hunters to enter the areas.

Once players got in with GPS and a camera on their cell phones, they could record activities in restricted areas and post them online, where people, including possibly foreign intelligence, could steal confidential data, the TNI claimed.


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