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La “principessa Qajar” e il problema con i meme spazzatura storici [EN]

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Nel suo blog A Bit of History, la storica Victoria Martínez svela la vera storia delle principesse ‘Esmat-al-Dowleh e Taj al-Saltaneh, protagoniste di un meme diventato virale in questi mesi.

The historical reality of this junk history meme is, like all history, complex, and deeply rooted in a period of great change in Persian history that involved issues like reform, nationalism and women’s rights. At its core, however, is a story of not one, but two, Persian princesses who both defined and defied the standards and expectations set for women of their time and place. Neither one, incidentally, was named “Princess Qajar,” though they were both princesses of the Persian Qajar dynasty.

Nella foto: la principessa Fatemeh Khanum “’Esmat al-Dowleh” Courtesy Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies.


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