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La “psicosi condivisa” di Donald Trump e dei suoi lealisti

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Lo Scientific American riporta nella rubrica Behavior and Society il parere di una psichiatra forense sulla relazione tra Donald Trump e i suoi fedeli.

L’esperta premette alcuni caveat iniziali e da’ il suo parere (più o meno condivisibile)  sullo stato mentale di Trump, e offre alcuni consigli su come trattare i seguaci del culto.

If we handle the situation appropriately, there will be a lot of disillusionment and trauma. And this is all right—they are healthy reactions to an abnormal situation. We must provide emotional support for healing, and this includes societal support, such as sources of belonging and dignity. Cult members and victims of abuse are often emotionally bonded to the relationship, unable to see the harm that is being done to them. After a while, the magnitude of the deception conspires with their own psychological protections against pain and disappointment. This causes them to avoid seeing the truth. And the situation with Trump supporters is very similar. The danger is that another pathological figure will come around and entice them with a false “solution” that is really a harnessing of this resistance.

Inoltre, offre un parere professionale alle persone che hanno nel loro intorno ristretto persone con caratteristiche psicologiche assimilabili a quelle di Trump.

When the mind is hijacked for the benefit of the abuser, it becomes no longer a matter of presenting facts or appealing to logic. Removing Trump from power and influence will be healing in itself. But, I advise, first, not to confront [his supporters’] beliefs, for it will only rouse resistance. Second, persuasion should not be the goal but change of the circumstance that led to their faulty beliefs. Third, one should maintain one’s own bearing and mental health, because people who harbor delusional narratives tend to bulldoze over reality in their attempt to deny that their own narrative is false. As for mini-Trumps, it is important, above all, to set firm boundaries, to limit contact or even to leave the relationship, if possible.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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