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L’alt right è la nuova controcultura [EN]

167 commenti

A cura di @Apollyon.

Un articolo del Newstatesman descrive le dinamiche culturali che hanno portato – a detta dell’autore – la cosiddetta “alt right” a definire il proprio status come movimento di controcultura in risposta all’istituzionalizzazione dei valori provenienti dall’area liberal.

The radical right revel in tearing into all this, and plainly enjoy the offence they cause each time they trample over polite society’s holy screeds […] Is it not thrilling to rebel with such a carefree attitude, after all? Is it not more exciting to take on every social taboo? Transgression against any kind of dominant idea is what people, especially young people, always do. Therefore, when those dominant ideas change, so do its recalcitrant challengers. Ask yourself what feels more rebellious: to demand safe space restrictions against free speech, or insist on no restrictions and invite the most odious and offensive speakers imaginable? To demand greater understanding of different cultures, in much the same way as your parents might have done twenty years ago, or decide that you’d rather defend some mythical greatness of Western civilisation and you’ll stick that to every po-faced sanctimonious politician and Twitter celebrity who disagrees.

Immagine da Anthony Crider – Flickr.

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