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L’economia iraniana si sta sgretolando, ma il collasso è ancora lontano [EN]

L’economia iraniana si sta sgretolando, ma il collasso è ancora lontano [EN]

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A cura di @Apollyon.

Un articolo di Foreing Policy fa il punto sulle gravi condizioni in cui versa l’economia iraniana e su quelli che possono essere gli sviluppi futuri. Un articolo del Belfer Center di Harvard presenta qualche dato in più.

The bad news for Iran is that, just a few months after U.S. sanctions on oil exports kicked back in, the economy is in miserable shape. The currency has depreciated, inflation is rampant, and unemployment is high, while GDP contracted last year and looks set to shrink even further this year. Dwindling oil exports have cut into government revenues, and U.S. sanctions on financial transactions have chilled economic activity in a number of other sectors, including autos and humanitarian goods like food and medicine.

“The economy is even worse than they let on,” said Alireza Nader, the CEO of New Iran, a research and advocacy organization in Washington. Iran’s once proud auto industry is on the verge of collapse, and while Iranian Central Bank officials have managed to stabilize the exchange rate, it came at the cost of draining foreign reserves. Meanwhile, shortages of meat and basic medicines are fueling popular frustration. “This idea of the resistance economy is totally false,” Nader said.

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