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L’Odissea dei balenieri [EN]

1 commento

A cura di @Quantus.

Un articolo di Atavist Magazine racconta la tradizione baleniera del villagio di Lamalera, in Indonesia.

The Lamalerans are the last of their kind. For five centuries, the Indonesian tribe has survived by hunting whales from a rocky Pacific island so remote that their countrymen call it the land left behind. Several Inuit communities hunt the massive mammals, too, but the Arctic seafarers increasingly derive sustenance from packaged foods and mechanized fishing methods. Not the Lamalerans. The 1,500 tribespeople still get most of their calories by spearing prey with bamboo harpoons. Annually, they take about 20 sperm whales—from a worldwide population in the hundreds of thousands—and use every part of their catch.

Immagine da pxhere.

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