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L’ossessione dei conservatori per Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (e Barack Obama) [EN]

119 commenti

A cura di @NedCuttle21(Ulm).

Un articolo pubblicato su The Atlantic traccia un parallelismo tra l’ossessione attuale dei conservatori per Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez e quella meno recente, da parte degli stessi, per Barack Obama.

In America, when people of color succeed despite the limits placed on them, and use their newfound status to indict the system for holding others back, they are held up as proof that the limits do not exist, they are denounced as ingrates, or they are pilloried as frauds incapable of the successes attributed to them. The exception is if they present their success as evidence that the structural barriers are not as great as they seem, and that in truth the only thing that holds back marginalized communities is their own lack of ability or motivation. If they affirm the righteousness of the class and caste system that they defied to succeed, they are hailed as heroes by the same people who would otherwise have denounced them as frauds.

Immagine da Wikimedia.



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