Un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

Maria Antonietta e la pubblicità

5 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @AleMeis.

The Atlantic dedica un articolo alla recente ondata di pubblicità a tema Maria Antonietta e Rivoluzione Francese.

“Like the Kardashian of the commercial, viewers want it both ways: the perky beatnik and the aloof queen, the revolution and the comfort. And why shouldn’t they? Consumerism isn’t just for the superrich. These ads may not be a realistic approach to social harmony or fiscal responsibility, but as a way of selling stuff, they’re insightful. What Kim, Katy, Kellogg’s, and the rest understand is that the French Revolution is a powerful metaphor for the ambitions and anxieties of modern life. These consumer fantasies rewrite Marie Antoinette’s story with a happy ending; they let the masses have their cake—or cereal—and eat it, too.”

Immagine by Alex Brown [CC BY 2.0] via Flickr.

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