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Perché le persone tradiscono [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @maggiorata parenziana.

Tracy Moore discute in un articolo per Mel Magazine i motivi che conducono al tradimento in amore.

When we picture cheating, we likely picture sexy, stolen moments. Titillating trysts in tucked-away hotel rooms and near-cinematic levels of espionage. The cheater is starved in a sexless, even hostile relationship back home — basically forced to cheat or suffer a miserable life. Think about Diane Lane in Unfaithful or Tony Goldwyn in Scandal. It’s this element that makes their onscreen affairs so damn hot.

But a new survey throws cold water on that pop-culture myth: It suggests that many cheaters continue to sleep with their partners the whole time they’re prowling about.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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