La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

Sex talks

63 commenti

A cura di @Anna.

Rebecca Kukla invita in un articolo per Aeon a superare le rigidità comunicative del dibattito sulla negoziazione sessuale.

Communication is essential to ethical sex. Typically, our public discussions focus on only one narrow kind of communication: requests for sex followed by consent or refusal. But notice that we use language and communication in a wide variety of ways in negotiating sex. We flirt and rebuff, express curiosity and repulsion, and articulate fantasies. Ideally, we talk about what kind of sex we want to have, involving which activities, and what we like and don’t like. We settle whether or not we are going to have sex at all, and when we want to stop. We check in with one another and talk dirty to one another during sex.

Immagine da flickr – Jane Rahman.

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