La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

Text mining 50 years of pop music

3 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @oliodnb

Il sito K Walker analizza meticolosamente e con l’aiuto di diversi grafici la composizione dei testi della musica pop degli ultimi cinquant’anni, per scoprire come cambia la scelta delle parole, la loro distribuzione ed il loro numero.

The songs in the dataset average 332 total/114 unique words. Average word counts (both unique and total) have increased over time. Variance in word counts has also increased, perhaps due to greater genre diversity in the chart rankings over time. Inconstant variance was corrected with a log transform of word count and two linear models fit, producing the coefficient 0.01873 for total and 0.0136 for unique word counts. For each year increase, the total word count increases on average by 1.87% and the unique word count increases by 1.36%.


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