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Una vita senza dolore e ansia [EN]

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A cura di @Anna.

Il New York Times racconta la storia di Jo Cameron, (link alternativo) una donna che per via una rara mutazione genetica non è in grado di provare dolore. Il genetista James Cox sta studiano come questa mutazione potrebbe aver influenzato la psiche di Jo Cameron, che risulta priva anche di ansia e immune da altri dolori psicologici.

Dr. Cox said he believed that Ms. Cameron’s reduced anxiety was “related to increased signaling at CB1 receptors,” or cannabinoid receptors, which are known to help the body deal with stressful situations. (Notably, they are activated by the THC in cannabis.)

Block the cannabinoid receptors and anxiety will increase; boost the cannabinoid receptors and anxiety will fall, studies have shown. The receptors also affect how people experience physical pain.

Immagine da Maxpixels.

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