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Un’oasi di acqua libera [EN]

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A cura @kekeke.

Un articolo di Hakai parla di una vasta polinia, un’area di acqua marina libera dai ghiacci e circondata dalla banchisa, tra Groenlandia e Canada molto importante per la vita del vicino villaggio di Qaanaaq.

Most years, by March or April, a jumble of sea ice and glacial icebergs clogs the strait, creating an impenetrable blockade. South of this dam, prevailing winds sweep away any new ice that forms so that, even in winter, only a thin skin covers the Pikialasorsuaq, and in summer, it’s almost entirely ice-free. A current of warm water flowing up the west coast of Greenland may help keep the water open, too. These forces sustain the polynya until it dissolves in late summer, when the sea ice that surrounds it and the ice dam in the Nares Strait finally break apart.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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