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Il problema dell’islamofilia

31 commenti

Su suggerimento di @oliodnb.

Il New York Post pubblica un punto di vista “americanista” dei rapporti tra mussulmani e United States, rivisitando i rapporti tra i paesi musulmani e gli Stati Uniti, per rovesciare il problema dell’islamofobia in quello dell’islamofilia (dei liberals).

The US was the only major power to have no state-owned oil company, and thus never used its military clout to obtain a share of the Middle East’s energy resources.

Should Muslims hate Americans because they refused to disband their military bases on Islamic lands? Again, history shows that the US was the only major power prepared to pack up and leave as soon as its hosts showed it the door.


Immagine by Antonio Melina/Agência Brasil CC BY 3.0 br via Commons

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