un sito di notizie, fatto dai commentatori

L’ascesa dell’intellettuale promozionale [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Swanito de Pluff.

lamenta l’introduzione di un nuovo dovere tra i compiti di intellettuali e accademici.

Now, it seems, a new task has been added to the job: promotion. We are urged to promote our classes, our departments, our colleges, our professional organizations. More than anything, we are directed to promote ourselves. The imperative is to call attention to one’s writing, courses, talks, ideas, or persona in media new and old. It could be about your new book on Shakespeare or the history of haberdashery, or something you did, or simply yourself, but the key is to get your brand out there — if not in The New York Times, then on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or just the department newsletter. And if not quite to the general public, at least to administrators, boards, funders, students, and other professors.

Immagine da Flickr.

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