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Allagare la death valley

Allagare la death valley

7 Commenti

Su suggerimento di @Guglielma Bon

La death valley è un bacino chiuso in una depressione a circa 80 m sotto il livello del mare. Si potrebbe allargare e trasformare in un mare con un canale? Xkdc risponde a questa bizzarra domanda con un pezzo divertente e pieno di aneddoti.

We know it’s possible to create this kind of inland sea because we’ve done it before—by accident. In 1905, irrigation engineers working on the Colorado River made some mistakes. During a flood, the entire Colorado river broke through into the Alamo Canal and flowed directly into the Salton basin to the north. By the time they repaired the canal, two years later, the Salton basin had become the Salton Sea—one of the larger human-caused changes to the world map

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