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An Exclusive Interview with JK Rowling about her New Project

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Sul blog di Suzanne Moore un’intervista a J.K. Rowling (leggibile anche su archive.is), in occasione dell’apertura di un centro di supporto per vittime di violenza sessuale che ha finanziato. Nel corso della conversazione, la scrittrice parla del suo rapporto col femminismo, delle polemiche riguardo alle sue posizioni sui trans, e di cosa si aspetta per il futuro. Rowling, che dice di essersi considerata una femminista radicale fin dalla giovinezza, ha percepito negli ultimi anni un contraccolpo sui diritti delle donne, tanto da pensare di stare vivendo nel momento di maggiore misoginia di tutta la sua vita. Inoltre, lei spiega di essersi distaccata dal femminismo della terza ondata, in quanto lo percepisce come troppo individualista, e confuso riguardo al legame fra sesso e genere.

She identified as a feminist very early on. As a child even?
“I would say so, yes. And then, by the time I was 18, I was a full-on radical feminist. I just felt a sense of injustice where women are concerned. How I grew up, it was very traditional.”
I tell her I didn’t realise that I was a feminist till later on, because I liked lipstick too much.
“I never stopped liking lipstick, but radical feminism is a very broad church. There were things in there that I wouldn’t agree with. I don’t like ideologies of any kind: I have never met an ideologue who wouldn’t suppress a little bit of truth.”  (…) “I’ve been thinking about this so much over the last five, maybe 10, years. The old definitions of Left and Right seem to have blurred so much. I feel we’re currently waging a cultural war between what I would see as authoritarians and liberals. And those categories seem to me to cut across the old Left/Right divide.”
“That’s where my brand of feminism splits sharply from third-wave feminism. I see so much conflation of femininity with femaleness. We were fighting to stop that conflation, and there they are, in my view, embracing that. The contradictions drive me crazy: we’re simultaneously told gender is innate and inborn, and that it’s a choice, a performance. All of these things cannot be true. If it’s a choice, then clearly it’s not innate.”

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