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Ancient Egyptian Sexuality [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @Omotto.

Un articolo di una studentessa della Michigan University parla di  verginità, omosessualità, incesto e zoofilia nell’antico Egitto: la complessa e non particolarmente inibita sessualità degli egiziani.

Sexuality in Ancient Egypt is a subject to be approached with caution. Norms in regard to sexual behavior cannot be looked at with our Western understanding of sexual identity as many cultures, both past and present, do not create categories based on the same things we do. Moreover, we must be careful when interpreting both written and artistic accounts of sex as we might cast our own assumptions and biases–such our inclination to ascribe to individuals monosexual identities–onto those who don’t fit into our mutually exclusive sexuality boxes.


Immagine di GoShow via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0

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