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Bernie è in corsa, grazie a Dio [EN]

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A cura di @NedCuttle21(Ulm).

Su Jacobin Magazine, la giornalista Meagan Day (link alternativo) prova a spiegare le ragioni che dovrebbero indurre chiunque abbia voglia di una politica che sia davvero in grado di contrastare efficacemente problemi come quello del riscaldamento globale o delle disuguaglianze economiche a sostenere Bernie Sanders alle primarie del Partito Democratico.

It’s finally happening. Bernie Sanders just announced that he’ll be running for president again.

Judging from its early entrants, the politics of this upcoming Democratic presidential primary will be the most progressive in decades. All of the confirmed contenders claim to support Medicare for All, for example — an idea that most in the party ignored or outright rejected as recently as three years ago. Some candidates are also running on ideas like universal child care and a Green New Deal, a notable departure from the pro-corporate politics that have characterized the party’s program for years.

That leftward shift is a positive development, and there’s a reason for it. The reason is Bernie Sanders.

Now Sanders has announced that he’s throwing his hat in the ring with them. Some progressive voters may want to gravitate toward another candidate in the crowded field. But don’t be fooled — if you seek economic and social justice, you should support Bernie Sanders for president.

Why? Because there’s a class war raging, and Sanders is the only one running who sees it, and who wants to build working-class forces to fight back.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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