La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

Breve storia della fotografia aerea [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @GiMa

Il professore di geografia Paul Baumann dell’Università di Stato di New York ripercorre la poco conosciuta storia della fotografia aerea, dai primi tentativi con le mongolfiere ai caccia spia moderni.

Remote sensing deals with the art and science of observing and measuring items on the Earth’s surface from a distance. By this definition remote sensing encompasses the field of aerial photography. The term, “remote sensing,” was first introduced in 1960 by Evelyn L. Pruitt of the U.S. Office of Naval Research. However, the first aerial photograph was taken in 1858, 102 years before the term “remote sensing” came into existence. Long before satellites and microcomputers started dominating the field of remote sensing, people were taking pictures of the Earth’s surface from afar. Taking these pictures was not an easy task and people risked their lives to bring about the development of the field. To appreciate what was involved, a brief history of aerial photography is provided in this unit.


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