La mucca è caduta ma non è morta

“Cerco una persona gentile”: l’annuncio che ha salvato mio padre ebreo dai nazisti [EN]

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Un anziano collaboratore del Guardian racconta la storia di come a suo padre, ebreo austriaco, i genitori trovarono una via di salvezza dopo la Anschluss con un annuncio sul Guardian pubblicato il 3 Agosto 1938.

“The Manchester Guardian had a justified reputation for being supportive of the Jewish plight and especially being pro-refugee, so it would be a natural place to advertise in, especially if there were commercial agencies and also refugee organisations at either end,” says Tony Kushner, a University of Southampton professor and the author of Journeys from the Abyss, a book about the Holocaust and forced migration.

“Certainly, the way the Manchester Guardian reported Nazi antisemitism and supported the entry of refugees – and then their protection in Britain – during the Nazi era can be regarded as one of the proudest moments in the newspaper’s history,” adds Kushner.

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