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Ci dirigiamo verso un nuovo Cretaceo, non una nuova normalità [EN]

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Su suggerimento di @lurker.

Secondo Peter Forbes, che ne parla in un articolo per Aeon, gli attuali mutamenti climatici ci condurranno a condizioni simili a quelle conosciute dalla terra durante il periodo Cretaceo.

­Should it come to pass, any new era with a Cretaceous-like climate wouldn’t precisely mirror the original. For a start, the continents were then in very different positions: India was an island still thousands of miles south of its union with Asia; a broad ocean separated Africa (with South America still attached) from Eurasia. But in a Cretaceous rerun, there would very likely be no ice at the poles once again, and sea levels would be about 216 feet (66 metres) above current levels.

Immagine da Wikimedia.

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