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E’ stata la pornografia online a determinare la vittoria di Trump [EN]

E’ stata la pornografia online a determinare la vittoria di Trump [EN]

37 Commenti

A cura di @MostroDeiBiscotti.

Un articolo del Guardian spiega come, secondo l’autore Dean Burnett, la diffusione della pornografia online abbia determinato l’esito delle ultime elezioni negli USA.

Internet porn gives a skewed view of the world.
[…] Given that most pornography is aimed at men and much of it has “questionable” ethical practices, this would have unpleasant results. It could give enthusiastic viewers the idea that women are subservient, and deserve to be, even enjoy being, degraded, verbally and physically. Contrastingly, men who inflict this behaviour on women are rewarded with sex and deference. […]

Internet porn makes us think gratification is easy
[…] The human brain takes the easy option where possible; it only has so many resources to dedicate to everything, so simple answers are often preferred to complex ones. And internet porn supplies constant examples that powerful drives and needs can be satisfied with ease and simple solutions. […]

Internet porn makes us more gullible
[…] Linked to how it creates a skewed view of the world, internet porn could also make us more susceptible to “fake news”. Ridiculous set-ups, contrived scenarios, baffling claims, these are all common in internet porn, but are also associated with very real rewards of arousal and gratification. You expose yourself to anything for long enough, our brains will become desensitised, habituated to it, so it doesn’t really “register” with us anymore. […]

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