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Expat Insider 2023

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A luglio di quest’anno InterNations ha presentato il decimo “Expat Insider Survey Report”, un sondaggio che ha coinvolto oltre 12 mila expat, rappresentanti 171 nazioni e distribuiti in 172 paesi e territori.

Il report prende in considerazione 56 aspetti della vita da expat, come il costo della vita, la disponibilità di alloggi, le possibilità di carriera, la vita sociale, il servizio sanitario ed altro ancora.

Sul podio di questa classifica si posizionano il Messico, la Spagna e Panama. Male l’Italia che occupa solo il 43simo posto in una classifica di 53 nazioni.

Mexico’s top performance might not come as a surprise, as the country has ranked in the top 5 since the first survey was conducted in 2014. And throughout the 10 years of the Expat Insider survey, Mexico has always ranked among the best in the Ease of Settling In Index (1st in 2023). Expats have consistently enjoyed the Local Friendliness (1st): most find the local residents to be friendly in general (91% vs. 67% globally) and towards foreign residents in particular (89% vs. 65% globally).

Since the first Expat Insider survey in 2014, Spain has always ranked in the top 10 of the Quality of Life Index. For example, the country has consistently featured among the best worldwide for its Leisure Options, placing 1st again in 2023. The majority of expats (88%) is happy with the culture and nightlife in Spain, compared to 68% globally. Additionally, over nine in ten (91%) are happy with their opportunities for recreational sports (vs. 75% globally). Luckily, Spain’s climate and weather (3rd) makes it easier for expats to get out and enjoy these activities.

Panama comes 3rd out of 53 destinations in the Expat Insider 2023 survey. Expats are especially happy with the Ease of Settling In (4th). The country ranks among the top 3 in both the Finding Friends (1st) and Culture & Welcome (2nd) Subcategories. Most expats (82%) have a personal support network (vs. 58% globally) and face few difficulties finding local friends (74% vs. 43% globally). They also feel at home (81% vs. 62% globally) and welcome (84% vs. 67% globally) in Panama.

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