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Focolaio di poliomielite in Papua-Nuova Guinea raggiunge la capitale Port Moresby

Focolaio di poliomielite in Papua-Nuova Guinea raggiunge la capitale Port Moresby

1 commento

A cura di @Perodatrent (modificato).

Il Guardian riporta che, nonostante la Papua-Nuova Guinea sia stata dichiarata libera dalla poliomielite nel 2000, questo anno si è verificata una epidemia con dieci casi confermati di malattia paralitica, di cui uno nella capitale.

The first cases were detected in the Morobe province on the north coast of the country, where polio vaccine coverage is low. Water, sanitation and hygiene are serious challenges in the region, adding to the crisis of controlling the highly infectious virus.

The outbreak can be largely attributed to “several years of sub-optimal vaccination coverage”, said Feldon. While you would hope for 80% of the community to be vaccinated, PNG has been seeing rates of 50-60% vaccination coverage across the country, said Feldon.




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